Miki - Me and my camera
「カメラと私」 こんにちは! カメラマンのミキです! 今回、二作目となる短編映画。ビル&ベティとキャストは変わらず、クルーは有り難い事に増えましたが、なんと私の相棒”カメラ”が変わりました! 今回はCanonのシネマカメラ”C100”というカメラを使っています。 ...

Guest Blogger Stephanie
(Hey guys! Chris here. So many people participated in crowd funding from all over the world. When someone who helped out our crowd...

Kintaro - Check list
「チェックリスト」 いよいよNOPPERBOUの撮影が先日から始まりまして、お陰さまで好調な滑り出しとなっております。 しかし、ここに来るまでにも色々な苦労がありました。 最初からわかっていた事ではありますが、音響、照明、ヘアメイク、衣装、小道具は勿論、移動の際の車、...

Krist - Connections
Hello everyone! It's me Kristi, Tokyo Cowboy's accountant and one liner extra! You may have seen me in the after credits segment and...

Chris - Good teachers
Hello everyone! Chris here. Studying a foreign language is very difficult. Japanese is one of the most difficult! There are three...

Camilla - 2nd day of Filming / 撮影二日目
Hello everyone and thank you dear supporters of Tokyo Cowboys and Nopperabou! Yesterday we had our 2nd day of filming for Nopperabou....

Kyle - Start filming / クランクイン
Hey everyone! This is Kyle and I'm playing Dave in our upcoming flick "Nopperabo"! We are currently in our way to record the first few...

Tomori - Member Roll Call 1 / メンバーのこと 1
At last the first day of filming has come! Looks like our private lives are going to be out on hold for awhile. I don't know if you...

Kintaro - Final Fitting / ファイナル・フィッティング
Hello and nice to meet all of you. My name is Kintaro Aoyama and I am an actor and part of the main cast in "Nopperabou." I think you...

Chris - Legend of Dave (Kyle) / Dave(Kyle)の伝説
Kyle Card is bad ass. I officially met him after an audition. Some ignorant model came up to me and said that he, "hated working with all...