Kintaro - Final Fitting / ファイナル・フィッティング
Hello and nice to meet all of you. My name is Kintaro Aoyama and I am an actor and part of the main cast in "Nopperabou." I think you have already gotten the idea from the other blog posts, but we are well on our way with the preparations for the first shoot of "Nopperabou." The other day we had our final clothing fitting with a brand Chris introduced. Jack Rose is an awesome brand. They were so happy to support us that they waived their normal lease fee! They even asked us for our autographs and took pictures to use for promotion within their own web site. Then they gave us free t-shirts. It is amazing to have so much support. I want to introduce another member of our staff. Yuka is the designer/owner of Inheels, a stylish and ethical fashion brand based out of Tokyo and London. She is also working tirelessly as our lead stylist on "Nopperabou." There are so many people working hard behind the camera. It's looking like this is going to be an amazing movie! Kintaro
Tokyo Cowboys Web サイトをご覧の皆様、はじめまして!
皆様方のお蔭で、次回作の撮影準備も着々と進んでおります m(_ _)m 先日は、Chrisの紹介で衣装のフィッティングに行ってきました。 そして…

「JACK ROSE」さんです☆ 私達の頼もしいスタイリスト&ご自身でもブランド「INHEELS」の代表を務めるユカさんと♪

リクエストしていただきましたChrisと私のサインと、JACK ROSEイケメンスタッフさんと写真も撮ってきました! 素敵な衣装も沢山みつかり、更には新作のTシャツまでプレゼントしていただきました!! 確実に良い映画になりそうです☆