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Tomori - Member Roll Call 1 / メンバーのこと 1

At last the first day of filming has come! Looks like our private lives are going to be out on hold for awhile. I don't know if you know this about Tokyo Cowboys or not, but all of our team works with out payment. This is a project made out of love for entertainment, not money. As a result we all have other jobs in the industry to keep the bills paid. I work full time as a director. My main focus has been music and event videos, but within those two areas I touch on a lot of different genres. Producer and actor Chris works as a model and actor as well as working as a MC at events where Japanese and English are both needed. Our director of photography Miki works primarily as a still photographer and has her own studio. She has been swamped with kids pictures of late due to coming of age celebrations in Japan. Our web designer Tomo works full time as a web designer and is constantly tinkering with our page and his other creations. There are a lot of other names that I want to write here. Many people make up this team, and with out even one of them we wouldn't be as strong of a team as we are. Having strong and motivated people around you helps to pick you up when you are feeling beat down. We all feel that way and try to stay up for each other. Hmm...there really are a lot of people left to introduce. I wonder who I should write about next. Until then! Tomori Tokyo Cowboys Director

いよいよクランクインが近づいてきました。 そんな我々の日常を少ししたためます。 TOKYO COWBOYSの活動は無償で行っているので、 基本的に普段は各々の分野で仕事をしています。 例えば僕は映像作家として日々生活しておりまして、 ミュージックビデオの制作であったり、 各種イベントの映像制作等ジャンルを問わず幅広くディレクションしています。 かたやプロデューサー兼俳優のクリスはモデルや俳優業、 そして英語を必要とした現場でのMC業などもしています。 カメラマンのmikiは元々フォトグラファーで、自ら運営するスタジオでスチール撮影の毎日。 ここ最近は七五三の撮影で大忙しだったとか。 僕等のサイトの管理を担当しているwebデザイナーのtomoも、 日夜新たなHPをクリエイトしています。 ここでは書き表せないくらいの、最高の仲間達によってこのチームは形成されています。 僕がずっと思い描いていた、背中を預けられる仲間達。 次は誰の事を書こうかな。 よし、背の高いあいつの事を掘り下げよう。 TOKYO COWBOYS 監督 友利 翼

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