Yuka – what would he/she wear?
映画の服選びは本当に難しい作業。台本を読んで、キャストと話して、そのキャラクターだったらどんなファッションチョイスをするか・・・どうしたら映画全体がもっと自然で、且つ魅力的になるか。そんなことを考えながらスタイリングをしました。 今回もおしゃれな登場人物が多かったのですが、その中で一番気に入っているのが実はのっぺらぼうの古びた衣裳。 のっぺらぼうには、古着のコットンワンピースを選びました。それを自然な感じで汚したかったのですが、現場でいい方法を思いつきました!実際に私が着て近くの河原の泥のところに寝転がって、シェフ兼アシスタントとしてきていたJennyちゃんに引きずってもらう・・・笑 いい感じに汚れがつき、破れて怖さ倍増ののっぺらぼう衣裳にぜひご注目ください!
Yuka Okada
Hello everyone, I’m Yuka, Co-founder of an ethical fashion brand INHEELS and I’ve been involved in Tokyo Cowboys as a stylist from our 1st film, Sure Thing. I get very inspired by this project, especially when the casts are so into the characters and look all consumed, shaky and teary after playing scary parts. It is very challenging to pick clothes for movies. I read script first, then talk to the cast and assume what kind of fashion choice that character would make. The goal is to make the whole movie as natural and attractive as possible that people cannot take their eyes off. Though most of the characters are very fashionable this time, my favorite style is the one of Nopperabou herself. I picked a used cotton dress for her and in order to make it more scary I wanted to make it dirty. What I did? I wore the dress, lay in a muddy spot beside a river and ask our chef/assistant Jenny to drag me! Check out the result in the movie!!
Yuka Okada