We're all different and all wonderful.

As of two weeks ago, we have officially begun production on our next short film. Up until now we have always had a lot of fun coming up with the plots and twists of our films. However this time we would like you to join us as we create our most serious film to date. The subject matter for our current film is homosexuality. Though I am heterosexual, I am also a proud member of Tokyo Cowboys. We do not judge based on country. We do not make assumptions based on skin color. Sexuality is not an issue to be dealt with for us. As always, I will tackle this delicate project with the best of my ability. I am lucky enough to be surrounded by all kinds of people. Some are homosexual. Some are struggling with gender identity disorder. Having said that, do those things really matter? What is important is the friendship! What worries me is that some of my friends feel like they need to hide their “situation” away. They don’t want to be viewed as “one of those people” by society. They learn to feel ashamed. Starting a few years ago, feminine drag personalities permeated the Japanese talk variety television scene. Brassy and loud, these people truly stand up and stand out. The thing is not everyone has the confidence to do that. I hope with this project that we are able to shed a little light on some of the people who feel like their sexuality or orientation has locked them away crying alone in a dark prison of their own creation. In our latest offering, we want to introduce the minority to the majority as always using entertainment as our sword and shield. I will direct this film with understanding and an accepting heart. It’s my hope that you will all come to see that country, skin color, and sexuality are all just trivial ways to categorize mankind. It’s time to throw that divisive feeling into the trash where it belongs. We hope to complete this piece by early fall. This time around I want to leave you with a poem from a famous Japanese poet named Kaneko Misuzu. I’ll let her words do the work and give my fingers a short rest.
A Little Bird, a Bell, and Me Even though I open my arms wide, I still can't fly the sky at all. But a little bird who can fly, Can't run on the ground as fast as me. Even though I shake my body, I still can't make a sound as beautiful as a bell,. But that ringing bell Doesn't know as many songs as me. A bell, a little bird, and me, We're all different and all wonderful.
Tomori Director Tokyo Cowboys
『みんなちがって、みんないい』 先日我がチームの最新作のクランクインがあった。 これまでも挑戦に満ちた内容を扱ってきたが、今回は殊更だ。 〝同性愛〟 ノンケの僕が挑むには大層難しいテーマであるが、 TOKYO COWBOYSは国境のみならずセクシャリティまでも乗り越えて行こうと、 今回あえてデリケートな部分に踏み込んだ。 僕の友人知人にも同性愛者が沢山いる。 性的嗜好が同性である人、性同一性障害の人。 どっちでもいい。みんないい奴らだ。 気になるのは、ふさぎ込んでしまっている者がいる事。 〝それ〟を隠している者がいる事。 彼ら彼女らが悩む理由を生んでいるのは、 世間の目が未だ〝そういう人〟に否定的な面を持っているからだ。 昨今〝オネエ〟という言葉が浸透し、 テレビでもてはやされている。 社交性もあり、メンタルの強い彼らは輝いている。 ただそれが出来ない多くの悩みを抱えた人達がいる事を、 少しでも届けたい。 薄暗い部屋で泣いている友人がいる事を、分かってほしい。 今回の僕らの作品は、 マイノリティを描きマジョリティに考えてもらう映画。 エンターテインメントを武器として、理解と納得があれば監督冥利に尽きる。 国籍も肌の色もセクシャリティも、そんな瑣末な違いを区別する色眼鏡は、ゴミ箱に捨ててしまおう。 完成は秋口。乞うご期待。 最後に金子みすずさんの詩を下記し、ペンを置く。 『 わたしと小鳥とすずと 』
わたしが両手をひろげても、お空はちっともとべないが、 とべる小鳥はわたしのように、地面(じべた)をはやくは走れない。 わたしがからだをゆすっても、きれいな音はでないけど、 あの鳴るすずはわたしのようにたくさんのうたは知らないよ。 すずと、小鳥と、それからわたし、 みんなちがって、みんないい。 TOKYO COWBOYS 監督 友利 翼