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The C Word / Cワード

(English article below)

「ザ・ベンザ シリーズ2」について書くには、避けて通れないキーワードがあります。これについて多くを語るつもりはありません、なんせ誰もが読んだり聞いたりすることにウンザリしていると思うからです。既に恐ろしさを増し続けているこの言葉にこれ以上の存在感を与えたくはありませんが...



コロナ禍になった時、マイケル・ウィリアムズとカイル・カードと僕とで配給先を拡大する方法をいろいろと調べてみました。そしてその時間があったからこそ、こうして現在数多くの国で視聴可能になったんです。「ベンザイングリッシュ」のプロモーションはうまくいかなかったとはいえ、少なくとも新たに合わせて120カ国への「ザ・ベンザ」と「ベンザイングリッシュ」の配信が決まりました。またギレルミと本格的に「ザ・ベンザ RPG」に取り組むこともできました。






It would be impossible to write about The Benza Series 2 without getting into the c word. I really don’t want to write a lot about it as I think everyone’s sick of reading/hearing about it. I don’t want to give that dreaded word any more power than it already has…but here we go.

Covid 19 hit just as we were finishing up Benza English and were looking for promotional options. Long story short, there weren’t any. All events of every kind were cancelled or forced online. There were no meet and greets. There were no pictures, so no press releases. Nothing.

Having said that, Covid 19 gave us several opportunities we hadn’t had up until now. The largest one was time. For those of you that have been supporting this team since the beginning you know what a manic tempo I work at. I have dragged this team from project to project for the last seven years. As a result, it’s left us with little time to reflect on how to use what we have created to its maximum potential.

During the start of Covid 19, Michael Williams, Kyle Card and I took the time to do some research about how to expand our distribution. If it wasn’t for that pocket of time, we wouldn’t be in available in as many countries as we are now. Even though we couldn’t properly give Benza English the promotion it did, at least it put it and The Benza in 120 new countries. It also enabled Gui and I to really dig into The Benza RPG.

Entertainment is all about momentum. Beyond our contractual obligations, we have kept people waiting for series 2 now almost two years. Members of our team were losing their visas. Studios we shot series 1 at were going bankrupt and closing. We knew that we needed to make a move as quickly as possible, but we also knew that we needed to move forward as safely as possible.

At first, quite like the rest of the world, we struggled to understand how to best keep ourselves safe while we shot. A lot of research and a lot of discussion was put into what to do best. I must say Hannah Grace (Stephanie) and Shizuka Anderson (Carol) really helped me in putting together what would become our Covid 19 safety guidelines. Producer Haku Inko (Inko Sensei) and I were able to take these guidelines to studios when we were negotiating with them about shooting. Most studios were still trying to figure out how to operate safely as well, so our team taking the initiative to come up with a plan of how WE were going to operate quite literally opened studio doors for us that would have remained shut tight.

I’m not going to break down our safety guidelines down here. I think at this point we’re all aware of what we should do and not do. What I am going to say is that not a single member of our cast or staff was infected while we were shooting, and we were able to shoot safely, comfortably, and without sacrificing quality.

Don't get me wrong, we had many other obstacles while we filmed Series 2 which we will get to in other articles. Covid 19 was tough, but as an independent production company, nothing is ever easy. I think what we’ve been through up until now has taught us how to be light on our feet, scrappy, and clever.

With any luck you’ll see the results of our ingenuity soon enough! I'm putting the last polishing touches on our English subtitles now. Really, I should be doing that and not this...

Right. Back to subtitles.


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